New Delhi: For those agitated over the big brother snooping on their lives, there is more bad news in store as India’s external intelligence agency, the Research & Analysis Wing (RAW) has been notified by the UPA government as an “authorised agency” to legally intercept phone calls, e-mails and all forms of data, voice and electronic communications with immediate effect.
This is the first time in RAW’s history since its inception in 1967 that it has been allowed to snoop on Indian citizens in addition to its espionage activities abroad.
According to the notification, RAW can now post its communication interception equipment at international gateways to spy on all forms of data, be it international telephony emanating from India, or any form of electronic data including e-mails. The move raises the question about the grey area of surveillance, privacy and citizen’s rights in the absence of any form of effective oversight mechanisms.