Digital Rights Ireland writes:
The Irish state has a deplorable record when it comes to protecting your personal information. That’s not just our view – it’s the assessment of the outgoing Data Protection Commissioner after nearly a decade in office. Here’s what he had to say to the Irish Times
This assessment is damning in itself. But it is all the more worrying in light of current government proposals for even more data sharing. These would make it routine for information collected by one government agency to be shared with others, potentially opening it up for wider abuse. While data sharing might result in some efficiencies, it also puts personal data at even greater risk. The systematic problems identified by the Data Protection Commissioner are not discussed in the proposals – despite the fact that these should be fixed prior to any widening of access to your information.
This is where you come in.
There is a public consultation process on the proposals which requires written submissions by 15 September.
Read more on Digital Rights Ireland
h/t, TJ McIntyre