Jennifer Rothman writes:
After hours of testimony before Congress by Mark Zuckerberg about how our personal information was harvested from Facebook, it’s hard not to wonder if privacy can survive the digital age. Lost in the dominant discussion of the technology both by the technocrats and the Luddites, is the reality that this is not a new problem. It is centuries old.
A similar outcry arose in the mid-to-late 1800s when new technology made it possible to capture a person’s image on the street using a “detective” camera, a portable camera that even an amateur could use. Improved printing technology at the time made it possible for those same photographs to then be widely distributed in newspapers, advertisements, and on products.
Read more on The Volokh Conspiracy. Note that Jennifer adds an important note at the bottom of the post:
[This is the second post in a five-part series about issues raised in my book, The Right of Publicity: Privacy Reimagined for a Public World (Harvard University Press 2018).]
I’ll have to add that book to my to-read list, too.
Thanks to Joe Cadillic for sending me the link to this.