Syma Chowdhry reports:
After last week’s school shooting in Florida, many local law enforcement officials are reviewing their safety measures if faced with the same situation.
The Macomb County Communications and Technology Center, known as COMTEC, has the capability to access cameras in schools, becoming a hub for police during an active shooter situation.
There are 21 public school districts in Macomb County, many of them have camera systems that can be accessed here. They’ve tested their connectivity with Utica and Romeo schools.
Once a district allows access to their cameras, setup can take as little as 30 minutes, after that, accessing the cameras can take seconds.
Read more on WXYZ.
So this is what we’ve come down to…. do we spend taxpayer dollars on improving education resources and opportunities or on surveillance gear to help capture mass shooters with assault weaponry that we didn’t prevent them from obtaining? Gah…..