This file presents a draft law for internet and telephony spying from the Swedish department of justice. The document was mentioned, but not released, by Svenska Dagbladet on Dec 12, 2009 [1].
The legislation is aimed at giving Swedish police and domestic intelligence the power to automatically intercept internet traffic that passes through Sweden. After a heated debate, a related mass-surveillance law was passed late last year, allowing the Swedish National Radio Defense Establishment (Sweden’s “NSA”) to intercept internet traffic. About 80% of regular Russian internet traffic, as of Dec 2008, passed trough Sweden, giving Sweden a bulk intelligence exchange position with the United States and other powers.
One condition in the 2008 legislation was that the police should not have access to the defense system.
A known government tactic is to release awkward information a day or so before Christmas so that debate will be short-circuited. The publication of the draft here will open up its content to real debate.