Adam Thierer writes:
Via a Twitter post this morning, privacy lawyer Stephen Kline (@steph3n) brings to my attention this new California bill that “would require the privacy policy [of a commercial Web site or online service] to be no more than 100 words, be written in clear and concise language, be written at no greater than an 8th grade reading level, and to include a statement indicating whether the personally identifiable information may be sold or shared with others, and if so, how and with whom the information may be shared.”
I’ve always been interested in efforts — both on the online safety and digital privacy fronts — to push for “simplified” disclosure policies and empowerment tools. Generally speaking, increased notice and simplified transparency in these and others contexts is a good norm that companies should be following. However, as I point out in a forthcoming law review article in the Harvard Journal of Law & Public Policy, we need to ask ourselves whether the highly litigious nature of America’s legal culture will allow for truly “simplified” privacy policies.
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