Andrew Griffin reports: A new WhatsApp feature could stop people from being found through phone calls, the company has said. The tool, named “Protect IP Address in Calls”, is aimed at letting people ensure that they do not give away unwanted information to the people who call them up. At the moment, WhatsApp calls are made in…
EFF declares: “VICTORY! California Department of Justice Declares Out-of-State Sharing of License Plate Data Unlawful”
Dave Maass and Jennifer Pinsof write: California Attorney General Rob Bonta has issued a legal interpretation and guidance for law enforcement agencies around the state that confirms what privacy advocates have been saying for years: It is against the law for police to share data collected from license plate readers with out-of-state or federal agencies. This is…
Sale of NHS data up to government, says tech boss
BBC reports: Any sale of NHS data gathered under a £500m contract would be a decision for the government, the head of a US tech firm has told the BBC. Alex Karp said his firm Palantir would not have access to the data given the way its product was set up. Palantir is seeking to…
Why your data might already be on a Europol list
EDRI writes: You don’t have to be a civil rights defender or even an opposition voice to end up on a police list. You don’t even have to commit a crime. And yet in today’s EU, innocent people are being swept up in a police digital dragnet that risks eroding the very basis of democracy. Police forces…