Hunton Andrews Kurth writes: On December 20, 2022, the English High Court has granted the victim of a cyber attack a permanent injunction against cyber attackers whilst the victim organization maintains its anonymity. Generally, a claimant’s identity is public in English court proceedings. Injunctions can be made against unknown and unidentifiable defendants enabling them to…
Smart Cities and Democratic Vulnerabilties
A report by the National Endowment for Democracy and International Forum for Democratic Studies. From the Executive Summary: Through “smart city” projects, municipal officials around the world are deploying digital tools to collect data about urban life, analyze trends, and automate governance. Billed as cutting-edge solutions for connectivity and efficiency, these projects—which leverage new capacities…
New Jersey Assembly Introduces Age-Appropriate Design Code Bill
Lindsey Tonsager and Madeline Salinas of Covington and Burling write: Last week, New Jersey Assemblyman Herb Conway Jr. introduced a bill similar to the California Age-Appropriate Design Code (“CA AADC”) enacted in September. The bill, NJ A4919, tracks the CA AADC in many respects but contains several notable differences, which we summarize below: Covered businesses. The CA AADC…
Face Recognition Tech Gets Girl Scout Mom Booted From Rockettes Show — Due to Where She Works
Sarah Wallace reports: A recent incident at Radio City Music Hall involving the mother of a Girl Scout is shedding light on the growing controversy of facial recognition, as critics claim it is being used to target perceived enemies — in this case, by one of the most famous companies in the country. Kelly Conlon…