Today, the Office for Civil Rights (OCR) at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services issued a bulletin to highlight the obligations of Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA) on covered entities and business associates (“regulated entities”) under the HIPAA Privacy, Security, and Breach Notification Rules (“HIPAA Rules”) when using online…
Federal Court to Rule on Passengers Live Streaming Police During Traffic Stops
Erin Marquis reports: Cars have always been a minefield when it comes to privacy rights verses public safety, and now, two important questions are finally in front of a U.S. circuit court: Is live streaming protected in the same way as recording, and does the passenger in a stopped car have a First Amendment right…
State police collected info on political activist, former attorney testifies
When the state decides to compile info on someone or investigate them, it should be for the right reasons and not because they spoke up at a public meeting to express disagreement with a proposal. This misuse of power and tools for political purposes is what makes many of us suspicious of giving the government…
Your Data Is Up for Sale on Cyber Monday
Oops. I’m late posting this one, but it’s still important to consider. Molly Collett writes: It’s hard to find the most shocking detail about FTX, the cryptocurrency exchange that imploded in such spectacular fashion. From borrowing billions of dollars from customer deposits to meet debt obligations, to using corporate funds to purchase employee homes and “personal items”—the story…