Ken Macon writes: Disney has angered some subscribers to its Disney Plus streaming service by telling users that they have to hand over their date of birth and confirm their gender to continue using the service. […] “PROVIDE YOUR BIRTHDATE AND GENDER TO KEEP STREAMING,” the message from Disney reads. “Disney+ now requires additional information…
The 1960s Experiment Created Today’s Biased Police Surveillance
Charlton McIlwain writes: In the early 1960s, the Black civil rights revolution raged in the streets across the United States. This quest to build a more racially just and equitable society happened right alongside the computer revolution. Soon the two fused with the advent of the Police Beat Algorithm, a software system to help police…
Google settles “Location History” lawsuit with 40 states, will pay $392 million
Ron Amadeo reports: Google has settled a privacy lawsuit with a coalition of 40 state attorneys general today. Google agreed to pay $391.5 million for misleading Location History settings the company was running from 2014-2020. Google’s Location History settings have gotten it in trouble with several regulatory bodies. The action began after a 2018 Associated Press article pointed out…
ANALYSIS: FTC Privacy Authority Is Poised for Breakthrough Year
Mary Ashley Salvino writes: If the Federal Trade Commission were a major league baseball team, it might be fair to view 2022 as a rebuilding year regarding its privacy enforcement authority. 2023, on the other hand, might just be the season that marks the FTC’s long-awaited return to a privacy authority winning streak. The FTC…