In September 2011, this blog noted a potential class action lawsuit had been filed against Pandora for allegedly sharing user profiles, including music preferences, to others and Facebook, in violation of Michigan law. Now Courthouse News reports that the court has dismissed the complaint. I’ve uploaded a copy of the court’s order here. Pandora successfully argued that…
Canadian court nixes Internet privacy claim by man convicted of child porn
Colin Perkel of the Canadian Press reports: A man convicted of child-pornography offences did not have his rights breached when a major Internet service provider gave his name and address to police, Ontario’s top court ruled Tuesday. Police had no warrant when they requested the subscriber information from Bell Sympatico during the course of an…
Intelligence effort named citizens, not terrorists – Senate report reveals uselessness of fusion centers for fighting terrorism
Eileen Sullivan and Matt Apuzzo of Associated Press reports: A multibillion-dollar information-sharing program created in the aftermath of 9/11 has improperly collected information about innocent Americans and produced little valuableintelligence on terrorism, a Senate report concludes. It portrays an effort that ballooned far beyond anyone’s ability to control. What began as an attempt to put local,…
Bright House Networks sued for privacy violations under Cable Communications Policy Act
A small item on Courthouse News mentions that Bright House Networks has been sued in a potential class action lawsuit. The complaint, filed in federal court in California, alleges that Bright House Networks, provider of cable TV, Internet and phone services, collects personal information of consumers and retains it indefinitely. The plaintiff, Robert Hodsdon, alleges…