Michael Geist writes that the Privacy Commissioner of Canada should be more transparent and name the web sites that were leaking consumer information. Commissioner Stoddart had declined to do so: The Privacy Commissioner has not exercised her discretion to publicly name the specific tested organizations at this time. The research was designed to offer a…
A rose by any other name: The curious politics of privacy newspeak
Simon Davies writes: My friend and colleague Robert Ellis Smith was kind enough recently to reprint my “twenty privacy principles that they never taught you at school” blog in his excellent US publication Privacy Journal. I’ve subsequently received a few messages suggesting that I should consider writing about the new language of privacy. This is…
Hong Kong Privacy Commissioner Leaflet – “Offence for Disclosing Personal Data Obtained without Consent from Data User”
The Hong Kong Privacy Commissioner released a new leaflet (download here) this week reminding everyone of the new rules on disclosure of personal data that go into effect on October 1. From the accompanying press release: 1. Under the Personal Data (Privacy) (Amendment) Ordinance 2012, which will come into effect on 1 October 2012, it is…
Hong Kong Privacy Commissioner Publishes Revised Guidance on Collection of Fingerprint Data
Gabriela Kennedy writes: The Hong Kong Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data recently issued a guidance note entitled “Guidance on Collection of Fingerprint Data” to provide guidance to data users on how to comply with the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance when collecting fingerprint data. The Guidance Note elaborates on a guidance note published by the Commissioner…