Annie Youderian reports that plaintiffs in a case challenging NSA’s wiretapping program have filed a response to the government’s motion to dismiss the case on “state secrets” and “national security” grounds. The case is Shubert v. Obama and Judge Vaughn Walker is the presiding judge. The plaintiffs’ 24-page response can be found here (pdf). A…
Cryptome posts more LEA guides, Wikileaks joins the fray has added more materials to its site on the policies and manuals for law enforcement agents seeking customer or subscriber data. Last week, it posted guides for Cox, SBC-Ameritech, Cingular, Cricket, Nextel, GTE, and PacTel. Newly added to the collection of compliance guides are: Sprint’s Corporate Security Electronic Surveillance Manual (.zip), dated November 2002,…
AU: Contractors should not have access to police files
…. On Saturday The Age revealed that Victoria Police had agreed to hand over to Aquasure, the international consortium building a desalination plant near Wonthaggi, information about people involved in protests against the plant. In a 20-page memorandum of understanding, signed in August by Assistant Commissioner Paul Evans and the secretary of the Department of…
Attorney-Client Privilege Waived by Imputed Knowledge of Employer E-Mail Monitoring
Jeff Neuburger writes: In August, we wrote about the ruling of a New Jersey appellate court in Stengart v. Loving Care Agency, Inc., in which the court took a very narrow view of the ability of employers to monitor the e-mail communications of employees over its computer networks. In that case, which is now on…