Karl Bode writes: Last year Mozilla released a report showcasing how the auto industry has some of the worst privacy practices of any tech industry in America (no small feat). Massive amounts of driver behavior is collected by your car, and even more is hoovered up from your smartphone every time you connect. This data isn’t secured,…
Attorney General Todd Rokita drops lawsuit against IU Health tied to 10-year-old’s abortion
Kayla Dwyer reports: Attorney General Todd Rokita has dropped his lawsuit against IU Health, originally waged in the wake of the media firestorm over an anecdote one of the system’s doctors shared with IndyStar about a 10-year-old rape victim who traveled to Indiana for an abortion. Rokita filed the lawsuit in September of last year, alleging IU Health violated…
Federal Appeals Court Finds Geofence Warrants Are “Categorically” Unconstitutional
Andrew Crocker writes: In a major decision on Friday, the federal Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals held that geofence warrants are “categorically prohibited by the Fourth Amendment.” Closely following arguments EFF has made in a number of cases, the court found that geofence warrants constitute the sort of “general, exploratory rummaging” that the drafters of the Fourth Amendment intended to outlaw. EFF…
Do You Catch Our Drift? Navigating the Waters of Offshoring and Patient Data
Carolyn Metnick, Michael Sutton, and Lotan Barbaresso of SheppardMullin write: With technology rapidly evolving and jurisdictions appearing blurred, it is increasingly important to be mindful of data flow and use. This is particularly true where patient data is being accessed by offshore subcontractors. Simply put, offshoring occurs where a party contracts for services to be…