From The European Network and Information Security Agency has released a new report on Cloud Computing. The ENISA report recommends that European officials determine the application of data protection laws to cloud computing services. The report also considers whether personal data may be transferred to countries lacking adequate privacy protection, whether customers should be…
Happy Thanksgiving & Programming Note
Happy Thanksgiving to all of Pogo’s U.S. readers! I had planned to try to do a quick news update this morning, but woke up to discover that our entire community was without electricity. Needless to say, all of my cooking and preparations are wildly behind schedule and I’m racing around like a nut trying to…
Milan Prosecutors Request Jail for Google Executives
Chiara Remondini and Marco Bertacche report: Milan prosecutors requested one-year jail sentences for two Google Inc. executives and the company’s former chief financial officer if they’re found guilty of privacy violations and libel breaches. Prosecutors asked Judge Oscar Magi for one-year sentences in case of convictions for David Drummond, Google’s senior vice president of corporate…
Obama Wants Computer Privacy Ruling Overturned
David Kravets reports: The Obama administration is seeking to reverse a federal appeals court decision that dramatically narrows the government’s search-and-seizure powers in the digital age. Solicitor General Elena Kagan and Justice Department officials are asking the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals to reconsider its August ruling that federal prosecutors went too far when…