Craig Adams reports on a case covered here previously: Buffalo Grove Trustee Lisa Stone did not expect to get the name of HipCheck16 on Wednesday, Nov. 18, despite a judge’s ruling the previous week. She was so sure it wouldn’t happen she did not go to court that day. “My lawyer and my husband are…
Lawmakers probe deeper into privacy
Kim Hart reports on today’s joint hearing by the House Energy and Commerce Subcommittees on Commerce, Trade, and Commerce Protection and Communications, Technology, and the Internet on data collection online and offline: …. Jennifer Barrett, an executive with Acxiom, a marketing company, said the firm could collect 1,500 possible data points about individual consumers, such…
Privacy issues and the Smart Grid
The Smart Grid brings many benefits – but privacy protection must be built into the design of this new technology before an explosion of personal data erupts, Ontario’s Information and Privacy Commissioner, Dr. Ann Cavoukian, cautioned today in a new white paper. “The overarching privacy concern associated with Smart Grid technology is its ability to…
NZ: PIs should not be restricted more than public – Sir Geoffrey
Private investigators should not be restricted from taking photos or recording people any more than the general public is, Law Commission president Geoffrey Palmer says. However, restrictions on the general public were too lax, he said. There was “no justification” for private investigators to be singled out for restrictions when ordinary members of the public…