“The Department of Justice asserted the state secrets privilege in a case today to protect against a disclosure of highly sensitive, classified information that would irrevocably harm the national security of this country. I authorized this significant step following a careful and thorough review process, and I did so only because I believe there is…
FTC extends enforcement deadline for Red Flags rule to 2010
From the why-am-I-not-surprised dept: At the request of Members of Congress, the Federal Trade Commission is delaying enforcement of the “Red Flags” Rule until June 1, 2010, for financial institutions and creditors subject to enforcement by the FTC. The Rule was promulgated under the Fair and Accurate Credit Transactions Act, in which Congress directed the…
Students Fight Punishment for MySpace Pics
Tim Hull reports: Two high school students filed a constitutional class action against their school district and the principal who banned them from extracurricular activities after seeing MySpace pictures of the girls kissing and licking a phallus-shaped lollipop and wearing lingerie decorated with dollar bills. The federal lawsuit seeks to reverse the sports ban and…
CA: City activists angry at asset snooping
Ryan McCarthy reports: Researching and listing assets belonging to members of a citizens group smacks of Chicago-style politics and tries to intimidate residents challenging a major commercial project, Citizens to Preserve Marysville’s Parks members say. “We’re talking Russia,” Beverly Hayes said Friday. “We’re talking Chicago politics.” Hayes called the effort snooping, said it’s unprecedented and…