I saw this social engineering demonstration on YouTube today. Stick with it it although you may find much of it sophomoric and/or annoying. What it demonstrates is that a collection agency, given a phone number by someone who calls in to them, then gives a caller the address and credit information to go with the…
DOJ Settles Former Drug Agent’s Suit for $3 million
The federal government has agreed to settle for $3 million a long-running suit in federal district court in Washington that alleged a former CIA officer and a State Department official unlawfully eavesdropped on a drug enforcement agent in Burma. The terms of the agreement were detailed in court papers filed Tuesday night in the U.S….
Experts meet to hash out web privacy rules: The Madrid Declaration
Hundreds of privacy experts from around the world met in Madrid on Wednesday for a three-day conference which aims to arrive at a global standard for the protection of personal data. US Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano as well representatives from data protection agencies from 50 nations and top managers from key Internet firms like…
UK: Councils’ surveillance powers curbed
Alan Travis reports: The “surveillance state” powers of local authorities to snoop on the public are to be curbed under reforms announced by the home secretary, Alan Johnson. Junior council officials are to lose the authority to order surveillance operations including secret filming and eavesdropping for “trivial reasons” such as catching people putting out their…