Ben Nuckols of Associated Press reports: Acorn and two former employees of its Baltimore office filed a multimillion-dollar lawsuit Wednesday against the makers of a hidden-camera video that showed the employees giving tax advice to a man posing as a pimp and a woman posing as a prostitute. […] The lawsuit names James O’Keefe III…
Privacy Proofing Your Organisation
The International Association of Privacy Professionals Australia and New Zealandʼs second annual conference – Privacy Proofing Your Organisation- will be held in Melbourne on 14 October. Featured speaker is Mozelle Thompson, former US Federal Trade Commissioner, and corporate privacy advisor, on social media and privacy in the 21st century. Other speakers include Special Minister of…
UMD student banned from social networking sites in extortion case
Robb Murray reports: The University of Minnesota Duluth student charged with extortion in his attempt to get nude photos of a Minnesota State University student has been sentenced to five years of probation and banned from using social networking Internet sites. Anthony Phillip Dzik, 24, pleaded guilty to identity theft and harassment in St. Louis…
Bush’s wiretapping goes to court in S.F.
Bob Egelko reports: After years of wrangling over legal procedures, the lawyer for a defunct Islamic charity laid out his case Wednesday that former President George W. Bush’s secret wiretapping program was illegal – an argument that an Obama administration attorney refused to discuss. “May the president of the United States break the law in…