The UK’s Peter Mandelson says that parents and other internet account holders must pay for illegal downloads of copyright material. But, in a move typical of the Labour party’s pandering to vested interests and potentially large supporters, the rights will be enforced in favour of the film and music industries. Independent producers of other copyright…
White House will change e-mail rules
The White House said Sunday night that it will change its e-mail sign-up procedures after some recipients of a health-care e-mail complained that they had not asked to receive updates. “We are implementing measures to make subscribing to e-mails clearer, including preventing advocacy organizations from signing people up to our lists without their permission when…
Facebook must satisfy Canada’s privacy commissioner by Monday
Time is up for Facebook to find a way to live up to Canada’s privacy law after this country’s privacy watchdog gave the social-networking website one month to close its “serious privacy gaps.” And if Jennifer Stoddart, Canada’s privacy commissioner, isn’t satisfied with Facebook’s final response Monday, she has two weeks to take the California-based…
NZ: Privacy fears end ‘shame’ lists
A ban on publishing the names of all drink drivers in the Wellington region has made the crime an “anonymous offence” and could lead to an increase in drink-driving, police say. After nearly a decade of publishing a list of all excess blood-alcohol convictions, The Dominion Post no longer receives information from the police, who…