ContactPoint, the children’s database containing details on 11 million children in the UK, needs tighter security experts have said. Holding the details of all children creates a “security headache”, according to security provider Overtis solutions. The company said the government should only hold the details of children who have been involved with social services. The…
Updated (2): Whistleblower lawsuit against Kaiser
At a time when concerns about the privacy and security of electronic health records are a hot topic and the issue of private vs. public health insurance is making the front pages, a lawsuit filed by a former Kaiser employee alleges that Kaiser knowingly and repeatedly violated HIPAA, exposed millions of members to identity theft,…
Swiss govt discusses UBS-IRS situation
The Swiss cabinet held an extraordinary meeting Monday on UBS AG’s (UBS) legal problems with U.S. tax authorities, a move analysts say could signal Switzerland is close to bowing to the U.S. on demands to hand over data. A spokeswoman for the government didn’t comment on details of the meeting, but analysts say Switzerland is…
Privacy and personal photos at heart of case
A decision released by the Supreme Court of Canada last month raises the interesting question of how much privacy an individual may expect with respect to personal photographs taken inside his or her own home. The story began in June 2001. Agnieska Wojtanowska (Agnes) lived with Douglas Weil in a house in the Regional Municipality…