The Federal Trade Commission (the “FTC” or “Commission”) is extending further its deferral of enforcement of the Identity Theft Red Flags Rule to November 1, 2009.1 This rule was promulgated pursuant to § 114 of the Fair and Accurate Credit Transactions Act (“FACTA”). Congress directed the Commission and other agencies to develop regulations requiring “creditors”2…
Privacy commissioner to decide whether minister breached Act
[New Zealand] Privacy Commissioner Marie Shroff is going to be the next key player in the row over two beneficiaries whose welfare payment details were released by Social Development Minister Paula Bennett. Labour yesterday laid a complaint with Ms Shroff, claiming Ms Bennett breached the principles of the Privacy Act. She revealed that Natasha Fuller…
Real black hats hack security experts on eve of conference
Two noted security professionals were targeted this week by hackers who broke into their web pages, stole personal data and posted it online on the eve of the Black Hat security conference. Security researcher Dan Kaminsky and former hacker Kevin Mitnick were targeted because of their high profiles, and because the intruders consider the two…
McDonald’s employee in nude pix case: dismiss complaint
In a case that started last year, Cody Hayes, a former McDonald’s employee, has responded to McDonald’s complaint that if anyone uploaded Tina Sherman’s nude pictures to the internet, it was he. According to a report in Northwest Arkansas News: Hayes’ attorney, Steven Kay, wrote in the answer that “no factual basis has been plead…