Issa Saharkhiz, a prominent journalist and former senior Culture Ministry official, has told his family in a short phone call from prison that several of his ribs were broken during his arrest in northern Iran on July 4 in the postelection crackdown. The 56-year-old Saharkhiz has told his family the authorities traced him through his…
Scientologists reported for harassing Swedish family
A family from Kävlinge in southern Sweden has reported the local Church of Scientology to the police for harassment after a fortnight of incessant phone calls, local newspaper Sydsvenskan reports. The Church of Scientology in Malmö began ringing the family around two weeks ago as part of a drive to update their contact information over…
Pirate Bay facing new suit from US film giants
Disney, Universal, Warner Bros and Colombia (sic) Pictures are among more than ten major film companies behind a writ to sue Swedish file-sharing site The Pirate Bay in Stockholm District Court. The film companies demand that the court order The Pirate Bay to cease aiding the production of copies of their films and television shows….
EPIC: keep ban on persistent identifiers on gov sites
The Office of Management and Budget is seeking public comments on the use of Web tracking techniques on federal government websites. Government agencies are currently prohibited from using persistent identifiers, such as cookies, except when there is a compelling need. EPIC, in comments to the President’s Office of Science & Technology, said that the government…