Legislation that would create privacy regulations for online advertising could cause consumers to get fewer free services and isn’t necessary because privacy advocates have shown no harm from data collection, the co-author of a study on online advertising said. Online services have been tracking consumer behavior for a decade without creating problems for consumers, said…
Skype singled out as threat to Russia’s security
Russia’s most powerful business lobby moved to clamp down on Skype and its peers this week, telling lawmakers that the Internet phone services are a threat to Russian businesses and to national security. In partnership with Prime Minister Vladimir Putin’s political party, the lobby created a working group to draft legal safeguards against what they…
Study: Internet content filtering harmful
Public Knowledge has released a study, ‘Forcing the Net Through a Sieve: Why Copyright Filtering is Not a Viable Solution for U.S. ISPs‘ [pdf]. The Executive Summary: Copyright filtering, the latest proposed “magic bullet” solution from the major music and movie studios and industry trade groups, poses a number of dangers to Internet users, legitimate…
Pirate Bay-trio to sue Dutch copyright group
The three men behind The Pirate Bay file sharing site are filing a defamation lawsuit in Swedish court against a Dutch anti-piracy organization. The suit comes after the group, BREIN (Bescherming Rechten Entertainment Industrie Nederland), sued The Pirate Bay last month in Dutch court. Peter Sunde, Fredrik Neij and Gottfrid Svartholm Warg announced their plans…