Criminals who target senior citizens while committing identity theft will face tougher penalties this year under a law that passed with bipartisan support. The law also empowers the state to seize cash and property obtained through identity theft and use it to reimburse victims. […] The new bill bars businesses from printing their customers’ Social…
EU ‘Big Brother’
The European Union’s wide-ranging Stockholm Programme risks further damaging citizens’ hard earned privacy rights, argues Pirate Party member and long-time libertarian blogger Henrik Alexandersson. EU ministers are gathering in Stockholm this week to advance their work on the Stockholm Programme, a five-year plan they claim is designed to make it easier to catch criminals and…
Sotomayor on “right to privacy”
During Senator Orrin Hatch’s questioning of Supreme Court nominee Sonia Sotomayor, the nominee discussed the “right of privacy:” She said the “right to privacy” is actually a misnomer. “I’ve not viewed what the court has been doing as creating a right that doesn’t exist in the words of the Constitution. What I understand the court…
Police wiretapping probed in Portsmouth
For four or five months, a microphone recorded conversations without the knowledge of civilian employees working inside the Police Department’s records office. Digital recordings of their conversations were fed to a supervisor’s computer, allowing the supervisor to listen to everything said inside the records office from a different floor in police headquarters and in real-time….