Settlements have been reached between the Indiana Attorney General’s office and two pharmacy chains – CVS and Walgreens – to resolve data-breach complaints that customers’ medical information was improperly discarded in trash bins outside pharmacy stores. The agreement comes as the Attorney General begins a new concerted effort geared to address the growing problem of…
Après HITECH, le déluge (of reports)
Yesterday on, I posted a link to an article in the Journal of AHIMA that discusses how California officials were surprised at how many breach reports they have received since California’s new medical privacy breach reporting law went into effect on Jan. 1. Under the broadened reporting requirements whereby healthcare organizations in California are…
Post-mortem ID theft
According to Cifas data analyzed by Halo, if you’re in the UK and die, you apparently have a 16% risk of having your identity stolen after your death. That makes a somewhat compelling argument for not dying in the UK, doesn’t it?
New DHS requirements raise eyebrows
From FCW: Privacy advocates are puzzled and dismayed by the Homeland Security Department’s recent addition of new categories of personal information it plans to collect and store for all employees, contractors and volunteers who regularly access DHS facilities. The new categories of information include mother’s maiden name and financial history, according to a June 25…