“Warrantless surveillance of American citizens, in defiance of FISA, is unlawful and unconstitutional.” President Barack Obama, December 20, 2007 “We owe the American people a reckoning.” Attorney General Eric Holder, June 13, 2008 And thus began the latest round in Al-Haramain v. Obama, a case seeking a ruling that the Terrorist Surveillance Program implemented during…
ICO statement about media blagging
This is the full text of the statement by Mick Gorrill, Assistant Information Commissioner, yesterday: “People care about their personal privacy and have a right to expect that their personal details remain confidential. Who they are, where they live, who their friends and family are, how they run their lives: these are all private matters….
Privacy concerns about Japanese rape trial
Because Aomori, Japan has a new lay judge system that involves randomly selecting lay judges as well as professional judges for cases, an upcoming rape trial has a women’s group concerned about privacy. According to The Japan Times, Women’s Net Aomori, has petitioned the Aomori District Court to ensure that the victim’s privacy is protected….
Court allows WA to enforce pharmacy rules
Washington can enforce new rules barring pharmacies from refusing to fill legal prescriptions for certain drugs, including the controversial emergency contraceptive Plan B, even if the drugs clash with pharmacists’ religious beliefs. The 9th Circuit lifted an injunction (pdf) against the state, saying the lower court had “abused its discretion in applying an erroneous legal…