In New Jersey adoption circles, the right to privacy versus the need for an identity isn’t just an explosive issue of the moment: It’s been a painful, simmering fire for both sides for almost 30 years. […] Last month, numerous adoptee-rights groups and individuals from as far as Wyoming and Washington state contacted the Daily…
Does the PASS ID Act Protect Privacy?
Jim Harper of the Cato Institute takes aim at PASS ID and CDT’s praise for it. Here are a few snippets: One of the more interesting privacy “protections” in the PASS ID Act is a requirement that individuals may access, amend, and correct their own personally identifiable information. This is a new and different security/identity…
Self-Regulatory Proposal: Faint Praise, Criticisms
There has been relatively little reaction from the privacy community since a consortium of major players in online behavioral advertising led by the Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB) issued a proposal for self-regulation last week. But Ryan Calo of the Stanford Law School Center for Internet and Society has turned his lawyerly eye to the proposal…
Dutch parliament rejects data storage law
TelecomPaper is reporting that the Dutch upper house of parliament rejected a government proposal to require telecom operators to store communications data for 12 months. A majority reportedly voted against the proposal “and called for the government instead to stick to the minimum period of six months indicated in the EU legislation.” Update of 7-08: …