Rupert Murdoch’s News of the World and Sun will be investigated by the Metropolitan Police in London over claims they obtained personal information through deception. The police will look into the allegations, Commissioner Paul Stephenson said in an e-mailed statement today. Thirty-one journalists working for the tabloid newspapers acquired such information through “blagging,” or underhand…
Clear vows to erase personal info. Or not.
Fred Aun of StorefrontBacktalk discusses what happens now to all of the confidential information the Clear registered traveler program compiled on customers. Since June 22, when the company first ceased operations, consumers have not been able to get a clear (no pun intended) and full explanation of the company’s intentions with respect to their personal…
AG Coakley sues govt over same-sex marriages
Massachusetts Attorney General Martha Coakley has filed suit (pdf) against the US government, challenging Section 3 of the federal Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA). The suit claims that the law, which defines marriage as a union between one man and one woman, unfairly excludes more than 16,000 Massachusetts married same-sex couples and their families from…
Bern to block UBS record transfer to US
The Swiss government on Wednesday waded into the legal battle between UBS and the US authorities by saying it would forbid the bank from handing over confidential client information, if a crucial court case next week required it. Bern warned it might go as far as confiscating the data, should a US court in Miami…