The Associated Press reports that a federal appeals court rejected two veterans’ claims for monetary damages in their lawsuit over a 2007 computer security breach at the Birmingham, Ala., VA hospital. As in other breach lawsuits reported in the past, the court held that Jim Henry Perkins and Jessie Frank Qualls had to prove actual…
FL: New Law Requires DNA for Felony Arrests
DNA is becoming about as common in police investigations as fingerprints. The only problem is, Florida does not have a huge data base of DNA samples. That could soon be changing. Gov. Charlie Crist signed a new law yesterday, requiring anyone arrested on felony charges to provide DNA samples to the Florida Department of Law…
Parking In Your Own Driveway Illegal in America 2009
From CNN, out of Toledo Ohio, where people can apparently be ticketed for parking in their own driveways:
E-Mail Surveillance Renews Concerns in Congress
The National Security Agency is facing renewed scrutiny over the extent of its domestic surveillance program, with critics in Congress saying its recent intercepts of the private telephone calls and e-mail messages of Americans are broader than previously acknowledged, current and former officials said. The agency’s monitoring of domestic e-mail messages, in particular, has posed…