Yaman Salahi, Staff Attorney at Asian Americans Advancing Justice, writes:
The routine is familiar. Your international flight lands in the United States.You are finally home. You grab your luggage and proceed through customs. “Where did you travel? Was it business or pleasure? Welcome home.” For the vast majority of travelers, that’s it. But over 5 million air travelers a year are sent to a “secondary inspection” where an officer may ask detailed questions about their travels and perform a thorough search of their bags.[…]
When a secondary inspection veers away from routine questioning, customs officers are no longer investigating whether you and the contents of your luggage may lawfully enter the country. Instead, they could be conducting an open ended intelligence-gathering operation.[…]We recently obtained government documents proving that a customs officer conducting a secondary inspection might be working at an FBI agent’s behest—and the custom officer’s detailed notes about your personal life and reading habits may end up in an FBI intelligence file.
Read more of this troubling post at Asian Americans Advancing Justice – Asian Law Caucus.
Thanks to Joe Cadillic for this link.