The results of an investigation by the Office of the Information and Privacy Commissioner of Saskatchewan:
Investigation Report: LA-2010-001
City of Saskatoon
The Complainant, an employee of the City of Saskatoon (City) discovered that the City had disclosed her personal information to the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA), formerly Canada Customs and Revenue Agency. The Complainant asked the City what authority it had to disclose her personal information to CRA. When she did not receive a satisfactory answer, she raised her concerns with the Saskatchewan Information and Privacy Commissioner (the Commissioner). The Commissioner found that the City did not meet the burden of proof in showing that it had authority to disclose the Complainant’s personal information pursuant to section 28(2)(h) of The Local Authority Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (LA FOIP). Furthermore, it did not show how utility information was required by the CRA for the purpose of administering or enforcing a tax law. The Commissioner also found that the City failed to exercise its discretion and disclosed more of the Complainant’s personal information than necessary. The Commissioner also found that the City did not respond adequately to the formal complaint. Finally, the Commissioner made several recommendations to the City for dealing with future requests for personal information from CRA.
Read the entire report here.