Chrissy Clark reports:
Parents with children enrolled in the Scottsdale Unified School District were appalled when they uncovered that one of the district’s school board members had editing access to a Google Drive that included personal pictures and information on a slew of outspoken parents, including their social security numbers, a divorce proceeding, and financial records.
Mother Kim Stafford uncovered a Google Drive link when school board President Jann-Michael Greenberg sent her an email accusing her of “anti-Semitic” comments against billionaire George Soros. Greenburg sent Stafford a screenshot of his desktop, which included a since-deleted Google Drive URL reviewed by the Daily Caller. The drive was available to anyone who had the link.
Read more on The Daily Caller.
These claims need to be investigated further. As much as I may not agree with the views of the parents, this sounds despicable and totally inappropriate for a publicly funded school district and school board.
h/t, Joe Cadillic