Everything’s connected these days, it seems. Joe Cadillic pointed to me to this article that Oscar nominees got vaginal kegel-exercise fitness trackers. But that’s even less shocking/concerning than a connected device James Brown reports on:
The smart revolution truly is here, and the bedroom isn’t behind. UK retailer British Condoms has announced the revolutionary smart condom, i.Con. The device not only measures and records different variables during intercourse, but developers also claim that it can detect STIs.
What a time to be alive!
Essentially, the i.Con is a device that’s sort of like a FitBit for the bedroom. No, it’s not technically a condom, but it is a ring that will be placed at the base of the condom that is lightweight, waterproof, and reusable. With the use of nano-chips and sensors, i.Con will measure the variables of intercourse including the calories burnt, speed, average velocity, and total number of thrusts, total duration of session, and yes, even girth measurement.
Read more on TheMarshalltown. Then read this amazing tweet thread by Sarah Jamie Lewis on deanonymizing data and what might be learned from it.
Seriously folks, assume anything connected to the internet will be leaked or hacked at some point. If you don’t want such personal info about yourself exposed to others and possibly linked to your identity, don’t.do.it.