Seth Rosenblatt reports on the fall-out from recent disclosures of NSA surveillance and use of exploits:
Information security professionals are not unified in their interpretation of Alexander’s attempt at a mea culpa at last week’s Black Hat conference here. Alex Stamos, a network infrastructure and security expert and the chief technical officer of Artemis, the company proposing the .secure top-level domain for a safer Internet, said that Alexander was actually aiming his talk not at independent security researchers but the security teams at security companies.
“If you’re a security researcher at a large cloud company, you have to include the NSA on your list of threats that you have to protect against,” he said. Stamos has done government security consulting in the past, although he told an audience at his Defcon session discussing professional ethics for “white hat” or “good guy” hackers that he would reconsider doing so in the future.
Read more on CNET.