Ashby Jones writes: Here’s a question: Is it kosher for a law enforcement agency to, pursuant to a lawfully granted search warrant, search your Gmail account without telling you? According to an opinion handed down earlier this year and currently making the rounds on legal blogs (here and here), the answer is yes. The opinion,…
Tag: expectation of privacy
Media blasted for humiliating the innocent
Dario Milo and Greg Palmer are Webber Wentzel in Johannesburg. The have a commentary on the expectation of privacy and the media: Caster Semenya, the newly crowned 800m world champion, entered the international spotlight when an Australian newspaper, the Daily Telegraph, sensationally claimed that testing by sports administrators had shown she was a hermaphrodite. The…
HI: Good vote on school locker search (Editorial)
The state Board of Education is on solid ground in allowing public school officials to make sure that students’ lockers are not used as caches for weapons, illicit drugs or other contraband. Its decision to use dogs to sniff for drugs could be helpful as long as they don’t sniff students themselves in violation of…
TN Court: grandson living in house had no expectation of privacy informs us of a court opinion in United States v. Cowart, Eastern District Tennessee that held that a grandson living in a grandparent’s house had no legally cognizable expectation of privacy. From the court opinion: Cowart had no property interest in the area in which he lived, whether a tenancy or freehold estate. While…