Two defendants in a case involving a massive “scareware” scheme will settle Federal Trade Commission charges of deceptive advertising and forfeit more than $100,000 in assets that were frozen last year at the Commission’s request. The two settling defendants were part of a massive deceptive advertising scheme that tricked more than a million consumers into…
Tag: FTC
FTC obtains $1.7 million judgment against InterBill
A federal court has ordered a payment processor that debited consumers’ bank accounts without their authorization to pay $1,779,000 in consumer redress and to end the illegal practice. Payment processors serve as middlemen between merchants and banks or credit card companies. In 2006, the Federal Trade Commission charged the defendants with unfairly debiting thousands of…
FTC Testifies on Efforts to Combat Identity Theft
The Federal Trade Commission today described its comprehensive efforts to combat identity theft before the U.S. House Subcommittee on Information Policy, Census, and National Archives of the Committee on Oversight and Government Reform. The FTC also recommended legislative remedies to enhance the effectiveness of these efforts. The testimony presented by Betsy Broder, Assistant Director of…