Garante, (Italy’s data protector) has fined ChatGPT’s OpenAI for processing users’ personal information “to train ChatGPT without having an adequate legal basis and violated the principle of transparency and the related information obligations towards users.” The fine is 15 million euros. In addition to the fine, OpenAI will have to comply with a six-month information…
Netflix fined 4.75 million euros for not properly informing customers
From the Dutch Data Protection Authority: Netflix did not give customers sufficient information about what the company does with their personal data between 2018 and 2020. And the information that Netflix did give was unclear on some points. For this reason, the Dutch Data Protection Authority (Dutch DPA) is imposing a fine of 4.75 million…
EDPB: ‘Consent or Pay’ models should offer real choice
As published by the European Data Protection Board on April 17: Brussels, 17 April – During its latest plenary, the EDPB adopted an Opinion following an Art. 64(2) GDPR request by the Dutch, Norwegian & Hamburg Data Protection Authorities (DPA). The Opinion addresses the validity of consent to process personal data for the purposes of…
Rounding up Five Recent CJEU Cases on GDPR Compensation
Kristof Van Quathem and Aleksander Aleksiev of Covington and Burling write: In recent months, the European Court of Justice (“CJEU”) issued five judgments providing some clarity on the scope of individuals’ rights to claim compensation for “material and non-material damage” under Article 82 of the GDPR. These rulings will inform companies’ exposure to compensation claims,…