Yes, Amazon chief Jeff Bezos has apologized for the Orwellian removal of Orwell from digital book readers tucked inside the pockets of American citizens. And yes, the new-age retailer has promised not to repeat its Big Brother moment. But that’s not a promise it can promise to keep. […] Amazon doesn’t distribute books to the…
Tag: Kindle
Amazon’s Bezos: deleting Orwell books was ‘stupid’ was widely criticized last week for deleting electronic copies of George Orwell’s novels from its customers’ Kindle readers after it discovered that it had inadvertently sold unauthorized editions of the books. On Thursday, Amazon’s chief executive, Jeffrey P. Bezos, posted a statement on a customer forum, publicly apologizing for his company’s handling of the…
Amazon Kindles a debate
On Friday, The New York Times reported that Amazon had remotely deleted some digital editions of books from the Kindle devices of readers who had bought them. Ironically, the books were George Orwell’s 1984 and Animal Farm. Amazon’s explanation was that the company that had provided the books didn’t have the rights to the books:…