Facebook’s privacy policy will be changing — partly in response to changes requested by the Canadian government — and Facebook is seeking responses to the proposed changes. Yesterday, Vice president of communications and public policy Elliot Schrage, invited users to comment about the proposed changes. Members have until November 5 to submit comments. Our primary…
Tag: privacy policy
If you ever received a Citi prepaid rebate card, read this
A post on The Consumerist draws attention to an important privacy alert concerning Citi prepaid rebate cards: ….. Citi reserves the right to sell all of your information to the highest bidder WITHOUT your consent, unless you mail them an opt-out form or call a phone number. To be more specific, the section of the…
Google Books privacy policy: good start, much more needed
Cindy Cohn of EFF has a commentary on Google’s new privacy policy for Google Books that suggests that the new policy is better, but not sufficient. Cohen writes: Late yesterday afternoon, September 3, 2009, Google finally issued a privacy policy for Google Books, both the current service and the extensive new book-related services they hope…
Plaxo revises privacy policy
Plaxo‘s privacy policies are changing. According to a notice on their site, their privacy policy will be changing on October 6. They explain: Just as today we allow folks to sign up and sign in to Plaxo using identities from external websites, later this year we will allow you to sign up or sign in…