A long-awaited report on the Terrorist Surveillance Program was released today. An unclassified version of the report prepared by the Office of Inspectors General for the Departments of Defense, Justice, the CIA, NSA, and DNI is entitled Unclassified Report on the President’s Surveillance Program (pdf). The report’s discussion of the President’s Surveillance Program (PSP) makes…
Tag: Terrorist Surveillance Program
Al-Haramain case back in court
“Warrantless surveillance of American citizens, in defiance of FISA, is unlawful and unconstitutional.” President Barack Obama, December 20, 2007 “We owe the American people a reckoning.” Attorney General Eric Holder, June 13, 2008 And thus began the latest round in Al-Haramain v. Obama, a case seeking a ruling that the Terrorist Surveillance Program implemented during…