In June 2023, reported that (DataBreaches) had submitted a complaint and inquiry to Canada’s Commissioner of Privacy and Alberta’s Information and Privacy Commissioner. The complaint stemmed from a data leak involving mental health-related information that appeared to be collected by university researchers. The leak had been found by a member of the public…
Tag: transparency
White House transparency initiative
David L. Sobel comments: The Obama Administration today issued its long-awaited Open Government Directive (OGD), a blueprint for transparency that the President promised on January 21, his first full day in office. The OGD is “intended to direct executive departments and agencies to take specific actions to implement the principles of transparency, participation, and collaboration”…
From EFF’s Secret Files: Anatomy of a Bogus Subpoena
From the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF): Can the U.S. government secretly subpoena the IP address of every visitor to a political website? No, but that didn’t stop it from trying. In a report released today, EFF Senior Staff Attorney Kevin Bankston tells the story of a bogus federal subpoena issued to independent news site,…
Statement of Attorney General Eric Holder on Assertion of the State Secrets Privilege in Shubert V. Obama
“The Department of Justice asserted the state secrets privilege in a case today to protect against a disclosure of highly sensitive, classified information that would irrevocably harm the national security of this country. I authorized this significant step following a careful and thorough review process, and I did so only because I believe there is…