This is normally where we might say “Happy Thanksgiving,” and focus on what we’re grateful for this year. And I do hope everyone who has plans to be with their family or friends today gets there and has a wonderful day.
But I also know that many families are suffering right now. Some have loved ones caught up in or killed in the Israel-Hamas war. Some families may have suffered financial or health setbacks this year. And some may have found themselves being increasingly targeted by hate speech and hate groups.
“We have met the enemy and he is us.”
The amount of anti-semitism and anti-Palestinian feeling in this country is both worrying and unacceptable, as is the bigotry of college students on campuses throughout this country.
This is America. We were the melting pot of the world. We were the place where dreamers came and dreams were fulfilled.
Trump’s attempt to destroy democracy should never be even remotely possible, and yet…. here we are.
Will we still have a democracy to give thanks for next year? If we don’t stand up and defend it against the bigots and those promoting violence, we won’t.
“We have met the enemy and he is us.”
Pogo was right.