Walter Shapiro writes:
The life and death of a 3-year-old members-only online liberal bulletin board is a story that normally would offer all the searing drama of a public television pledge drive. But the sudden collapse of JournoList Friday afternoon — after the private e-mails of Washington Post blogger Dave Weigel were maliciously leaked — offers a cautionary tale about the dangers of candor in an age when everybody (and not just Big Brother) is watching.
Every entry on Google Groups, where JournoList resided, ended with the cautionary line, “And remember: All postings are off-the-record.” But someone — whose motivations were mysterious and whose lack of integrity was obvious — collected all of Weigel’s back e-mails and apparently sent the most intemperate comments (ripped out of context) to FishbowlDC, a media gossip website, and the Dally Caller, a new conservative online newspaper. Weigel, who had recently been hired by The Washington Post to write about the conservative movement, resigned from his new job Friday because of the furor.
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