Your personal information has a new home on the internet. Making it easy to research, in near real-time world news and personal information, The Social Archive (, is rousing debate amongst data privacy and information professionals.
“We only archive publicly available information for the purpose of organizing it into a more consumable, usable form, freely available to the public.” says founder and operations manager Mendel Kurland. “We believe TSA is a valuable free resource on the internet and our growth in the past 6 months has really proven that people are interested in the information we provide.”
Debuting in early 2009, The Social Archive has grown considerably from 1,500 visitors per month to over 40,000. For the past 3 months, the site has paced close to 15% daily growth in traffic from all over the world with the majority of visitors coming from The United States, Brazil, Indonesia, Japan, China, Italy, and The United Kingdom.
TSA searches, spiders, and archives over 150 social media sites with an additional 200 of the most popular social networking sites, directories, and public records sites slated for archiving in Q2 of this year.
The Social Archive is privately held by World Life Networks, LLC an internet research and development company with offices in Iowa City, IA.
Source: PRWeb