I feel somewhat guilty. Everyone sent out these updated privacy policies and GDPR-related notifications. Most of them were boring as shit, although there were a few truly humorous ones.
So, you may be wondering, stifling a yawn politely, how does GDPR affect PogoWasRight.org?
I have no fucking clue.
I don’t collect your email addresses. I don’t email you. I pretty much don’t do anything but post aggregated news and original thoughts and investigations. And I already told you in February that under GDPR, your IP address is considered personal information but you can use a proxy to connect to this site. And I already told you there are server logs with the IP addresses. So why are we even having this one-sided conversation?
My privacy policies for my sites haven’t really changed, so I improved the grammar in one sentence so that I could say I updated the policy today. I know, I know, I’m a day late. Will the EU police come arrest me?
Update: So Akismet, which I use to control spam, sent an interesting notification about what THEY collect from sites that use their service. If you are in the EU, you will now see a notice if you use the Comments feature of the site.