Hogan Lovells today published the next installment in a series of White Papers examining government access to data held by service providers. Today’s publication, An Analysis of Service Provider Transparency Reports on Government Requests for Data, was authored by Christopher Wolf, Director of the Hogan Lovells Privacy and Information Management practice, with assistance from colleagues Sachiko Jepson and Bret Cohen.
The White Paper concludes that when such data are adjusted for population sizes and the number of Internet users in each respective country, they reveal that the U.S. government requests information from these providers at a rate comparable to—and sometimes lower than—that of several other countries, including many European Union member states.
Read more on Chronicle of Data Protection.
Hogan Lovells thinks that people are stupid.
NSA does not need to request, they crawl data themselves using PRISM, XKeyscore and other crap. Thank you Snowden.
Only poor Europeans need to request.