The Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada has issued a policy statement on online behavioral advertising (OBA). You can download a pdf version of the guidelines here. Background on the guidelines and their scope can be found here. The Commissioner notes:
This policy position with respect to OBA is aimed at all parties involved in online tracking, profiling and targeting, including the advertising industry, browser developers, and web site operators. It is not intended to apply to other uses of browsing information; “social media listening”; advertising in the mobile context; or the activities of a single site and its members/users. Those practices may also give rise to privacy issues, and organizations engaging in them should reflect on their obligations underPIPEDA with respect to their practices.
While the OPC does not provide advance rulings and any future complaints under PIPEDA on the subject of behavioural advertising will therefore need to be assessed on a case-by-case basis, it is nevertheless possible and appropriate to provide general guidance concerning the likely compliance and non-compliance of certain behavioural advertising practices.