Despite HHS’s recent guidance on COVID-19 vaccine status and the workplace, some people seem to refuse to accept that HIPAA says what it says — and doesn’t say what it doesn’t say. Yes, as we all know, there are multiple laws and factors that can come into play, but if the question is “What does…
Category: Breaches
New resources on privacy harms
Of note: Professors Daniel Solove and Danielle Citron have revised their important article, Privacy Harms, forthcoming 102 B.U. Law Review __ (2022). You can download the latest draft for free on SSRN. “Among other things,” Dan writes, “we rethought the typology to add top-level categories and subcategories.” Other papers on harms that the two have co-authored: Standing…
A Notorious Spyware Firm Claims It Won’t Help Hack UK Phones Anymore
Lucas Ropek reports: NSO Group, the notorious Israeli spyware vendor, will no longer allow its clients to hack citizens of the United Kingdom, sources close to the company told The Guardian this week. The changes have been “hard-coded” into NSO’s infamous malware, Pegasus, and will make future targeting of UK-based phone numbers impossible, the sources claim….
In U.S. v Wilson, the Ninth Circuit Reaffirms Fourth Amendment Protection for Electronic Communications
Jennifer Lynch writes: In a powerful new ruling for digital privacy rights, the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals has confirmed that the police need to get a warrant before they open your email attachments—even if a third party’s automated system has flagged those attachments as potentially illegal. We filed an amicus brief in the case. How We Got Here…