The Data Protection Inspectorate announced on Wednesday that it has taken 12 credit rating and collection agencies to task for illegally listing the names and birth dates of private debtors on their websites. In a release, the inspectorate said that it has issued injunctions to five of the companies to remove the data. The others…
Category: Breaches
Magazines illegally sold Michigan subscribers’ personal information, lawsuits claim
Gary Ridley reports: Did your subscription to People, Sports Illustrated, Time or other magazines give their publishers the right to sell your personal information? A series of federal lawsuits claim that’s what happening and want it to stop. Three class-action lawsuits on the dockets of federal courts in Flint and Detroit accuse a number of…
Million-dollar fines set for privacy breaches in Australia
Jane Lee reports: The Australian Privacy Commissioner will be able to issue million-dollar fines to government agencies and companies for serious and repeated privacy breaches under a new law. The reforms, which Commonwealth Attorney-General Nicola Roxon has dubbed the most significant changes to privacy laws in more than 20 years, passed on Thursday and are…
Google renews objections to class action lawsuit over scanning non-Gmail subscribers’ emails
Jonny Bonner reports: Google has renewed its objections to a class action alleging that it intercepts emails and eavesdrops on online users in violation of California privacy laws. In a brief filed in San Jose, the tech giant says two lead plaintiffs took “isolated words out of context” and misapplied state law, which “does not…